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My Tech Toolbox

My Tech Toolbox

My Tech Toolbox


Web Development

Next.js is my go-to framework for building high-performance web applications. I use it to create dynamic and efficient server-rendered applications, ensuring a seamless user experience. Its flexibility and robust features make it invaluable for developing scalable and maintainable projects from the ground up.


Web Development

Next.js is my go-to framework for building high-performance web applications. I use it to create dynamic and efficient server-rendered applications, ensuring a seamless user experience. Its flexibility and robust features make it invaluable for developing scalable and maintainable projects from the ground up.


Web Development

Next.js is my go-to framework for building high-performance web applications. I use it to create dynamic and efficient server-rendered applications, ensuring a seamless user experience. Its flexibility and robust features make it invaluable for developing scalable and maintainable projects from the ground up.

Framer Motion

Web Animation

Framer Motion is my go-to library for adding animations to web applications. I use it to create smooth and responsive animations, enhancing the user experience. Its intuitive API and powerful features make it invaluable for bringing interfaces to life and adding a layer of interactivity to my projects.

Framer Motion

Web Animation

Framer Motion is my go-to library for adding animations to web applications. I use it to create smooth and responsive animations, enhancing the user experience. Its intuitive API and powerful features make it invaluable for bringing interfaces to life and adding a layer of interactivity to my projects.

Framer Motion

Web Animation

Framer Motion is my go-to library for adding animations to web applications. I use it to create smooth and responsive animations, enhancing the user experience. Its intuitive API and powerful features make it invaluable for bringing interfaces to life and adding a layer of interactivity to my projects.


Software Engineering

TypeScript and JavaScript are my go-to languages for web development. I leverage TypeScript for its strong typing and improved code reliability, while JavaScript provides flexibility and ease of use. Together, they enable me to build robust and scalable applications, ensuring maintainable and high-quality code throughout my projects.


Software Engineering

TypeScript and JavaScript are my go-to languages for web development. I leverage TypeScript for its strong typing and improved code reliability, while JavaScript provides flexibility and ease of use. Together, they enable me to build robust and scalable applications, ensuring maintainable and high-quality code throughout my projects.


Software Engineering

TypeScript and JavaScript are my go-to languages for web development. I leverage TypeScript for its strong typing and improved code reliability, while JavaScript provides flexibility and ease of use. Together, they enable me to build robust and scalable applications, ensuring maintainable and high-quality code throughout my projects.

Chat GPT

Content Generation

ChatGPT is my content generation and assistance tool. I leverage it for content ideas, copywriting, and problem-solving. It provides invaluable insights and suggestions that enhance the quality of my projects.

Chat GPT

Content Generation

ChatGPT is my content generation and assistance tool. I leverage it for content ideas, copywriting, and problem-solving. It provides invaluable insights and suggestions that enhance the quality of my projects.

Chat GPT

Content Generation

ChatGPT is my content generation and assistance tool. I leverage it for content ideas, copywriting, and problem-solving. It provides invaluable insights and suggestions that enhance the quality of my projects.


Structure and Content

HTML5 is the backbone of my web design work. I use it to structure content, ensuring that websites are semantically meaningful and accessible. It forms the foundation upon which the visual elements of a site are built.


Structure and Content

HTML5 is the backbone of my web design work. I use it to structure content, ensuring that websites are semantically meaningful and accessible. It forms the foundation upon which the visual elements of a site are built.


Structure and Content

HTML5 is the backbone of my web design work. I use it to structure content, ensuring that websites are semantically meaningful and accessible. It forms the foundation upon which the visual elements of a site are built.


Visual Styling

CSS3 is my styling and layout powerhouse. It's instrumental in creating visually appealing websites by controlling everything from fonts and colors to the responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes.


Visual Styling

CSS3 is my styling and layout powerhouse. It's instrumental in creating visually appealing websites by controlling everything from fonts and colors to the responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes.


Visual Styling

CSS3 is my styling and layout powerhouse. It's instrumental in creating visually appealing websites by controlling everything from fonts and colors to the responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes.


Software Engineering

Go, or Golang, is my go-to language for building efficient and scalable backend systems. I use it to develop high-performance applications with its strong concurrency model and minimalistic syntax. Go's robustness and speed make it invaluable for creating reliable and maintainable server-side solutions.


Software Engineering

Go, or Golang, is my go-to language for building efficient and scalable backend systems. I use it to develop high-performance applications with its strong concurrency model and minimalistic syntax. Go's robustness and speed make it invaluable for creating reliable and maintainable server-side solutions.


Software Engineering

Go, or Golang, is my go-to language for building efficient and scalable backend systems. I use it to develop high-performance applications with its strong concurrency model and minimalistic syntax. Go's robustness and speed make it invaluable for creating reliable and maintainable server-side solutions.


Software Engineering

Python is my go-to language for software engineering, offering versatility and readability. I use it to develop a wide range of applications, from web development to data analysis and automation. Python's extensive libraries and frameworks make it invaluable for creating efficient, scalable, and maintainable software solutions.


Software Engineering

Python is my go-to language for software engineering, offering versatility and readability. I use it to develop a wide range of applications, from web development to data analysis and automation. Python's extensive libraries and frameworks make it invaluable for creating efficient, scalable, and maintainable software solutions.


Software Engineering

Python is my go-to language for software engineering, offering versatility and readability. I use it to develop a wide range of applications, from web development to data analysis and automation. Python's extensive libraries and frameworks make it invaluable for creating efficient, scalable, and maintainable software solutions.


Dynamic Development

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. It's instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.


Dynamic Development

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. It's instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.


Dynamic Development

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. It's instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.

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